Required documentation
To verify your connection to the organization, please provide one or more of the following:
IRS paperwork with your organization's EIN showing nonprofit status
Form 990
Proof that you are employed by the organization in a management/executive position. If your organization is entirely volunteer-based, to be approved, the volunteer applying must have an official title.
Proof of employment examples:
Letter of Approval
Screenshot from your nonprofit’s website that includes your title
Minutes from a meeting
That your organization is not fiscally sponsored by another organization
What we look for on the documentation
Make sure that all documentation exactly matches the information on your application:
Full first and last name of applicant
Initials will not be accepted
Full organization name
EIN (if applicable)
Your request must be for the exact organization that you work for.
Organization roles and capabilities
Acceptable roles for payout approval
In order to receive payouts from direct sales for your organization, you must have one of the following titles*:
Board Member
Vice President
*slight name variations are okay
Verification process
Once you have the proper documentation, you can submit an application to be verified. If you are claiming your organization’s profile page, you can use this same process.
From a new account
If you do not have a Bonfire account, you can start on the homepage with Get Started.
Select Start a fundraiser.
Select For a business or an organization.
If you represent a nonprofit, you can select Nonprofit and continue the Verification process.
From an existing account
If you do have a Bonfire account, you can log into your account and go to Account Settings.
On desktop, you can go to I represent an organization, in the right column.
On mobile, this would be at the bottom of the page after the password section.
Select For a business or an organization.
If you represent a nonprofit organization, you can select Nonprofit and continue the Nonprofit verification steps.
If you represent a political organization, you can select Political and follow the Political verification steps.
Nonprofit verification steps
We use GetChange Corp to verify your organization. Either enter the full name of the organization or use your EIN to find your organization.
Select your organization.
If you cannot find your organization, you can add it manually by Add my nonprofit to Bonfire.
If you are a chapter of an organization, refer to Chapters of National Organizations.
If you are an employee or a volunteer with an official position for the organization, select I work for the organization.
If you are a volunteer and do not have a formal connection with the organization, you can still have the ability to raise money on behalf of the organization. You will not receive any nonprofit perks.
For employees, you will need to enter the following:
Your full name
Your role
Organization’s website
You will also need to upload necessary documents. The acceptable file formats are:
The maximum file size is 5MB.
Once you have added your information and uploaded the necessary documentation, you can click Submit.
You will get an email notification if you have been approved or need to provide further documentation. If you receive an email requiring additional proof, simply reply to the email with the requested documents. You can always contact our support team with any questions.
Political verification steps
Select For a business or an organization.
If you represent a political organization, you can select Political and enter the Organization Name.
If you officially represent the organization, you will get a report of your supporters. It will contain:
Phone number
If you are not officially affiliated, you can still have the ability to raise money on behalf of the organization.
You will need to enter the following:
Your full name
Your role
Election level
EIN or Tax ID (optional)
You will also need to upload a government filing or tax document. The acceptable file formats are:
The maximum file size is 5MB.
Once you have added your information and uploaded the necessary documentation, you can click Submit.
You will get an email notification if you have been approved or need to provide further documentation. If you receive an email requiring additional proof, simply reply to the email with the attached documents.
Why did my request get denied?
Most denials are due to inadequate information. If denied, you'll receive an email requesting the required documentation. If you still have questions about your verification, you can simply reply to the email. Someone from our nonprofit verification team will get back to you.
Can I still use Bonfire if my request is denied?
Absolutely! If you’re not eligible for nonprofit benefits, you can still sell and buy on Bonfire.
Have questions? Reach out to our team on our contact page. We’re happy to help!